Monday 18 February 2019

Creative Scrapbooker - Happy News Post!

Happy Monday, my friends!

Also, Happy Family Day to my fellow Canadians!

I'm just popping in with a quick little share today!
I'm very happy to have several cards in the
2019 Spring Issue of Creative Scrapbooker Magazine!

These are the cards that are in the magazine:

This one for Rinea, found HERE.

This ATC for Rinea, found HERE.

This shaker card for Clear Scraps, found HERE.

This is my favorite magazine,
so it's always fun to see my work inside it's pages!
If you haven't checked it out yet then you'll want to look for it!
It's always full of incredible inspiration!


Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

CONGRATULATIONS Nancy, Gorgeous cards, I can see why they are in the mag.

Vicki Dutcher said...

Congrats to you! Don't you feel official ☺

MiamiKel said...

Congralations, Nancy! This is so fun and amazing!

Darlene said...

WOW! Good for you! Congrats!! They are all just FABULOUS!! And, Happy Family Day to you from your USA friend! We don't have that 'special day' but sounds like fun and a good idea!

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